monday 5/24

Messed around at the house after work and almost lost daylight. 2.5mi around the neighborhood with the dog at 8pm. Nice to be running that late with no lamp needed.

saturday 5/22

Celebrated my wife's last day of school on Friday night and felt it on Saturday morning. Managed to get shoes laced up and got 3 mi easy around the neighborhood to sweat out a couple of the beers.


Finally! School is out, we are moved into a new house and I can breathe again.

Pretty much lost whatever fitness I had built up in January and February trying to finish school, sell and buy a house, and get moved. That leaves precious little time to get ready for the Ascent. I think I'm going to skip BTMR this year and avoid any races until the Ascent.

Started back last night with one mile real easy with the dog around the new hood.