Long run in the Garden of the Gods again this morning. Ran with Josh and did 11.5 real slow. The first 6 or 7 miles clicked off real quick and then it got tough after that. Nowhere near as warm as yesterday, but wasn't too bad when the sun finally came out.
Garmin data for this run
saturday 1/30
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on Saturday, January 30, 2010
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Ran as soon as I got out of bed this morning. Grabbed the dog and went out on the roads and came back on Sand Creek Trail. Good weather, easy run, 4.6 miles. Incline Club tomorrow.
wednesday 1/27
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on Thursday, January 28, 2010
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After work, school, and dinner with the fam, I finally managed to get to the gym. I'm already feeling the weight of all the projects and group work at school this semester and it's only week 2. I've got 3 classes and a group project that spans just about the entire semester for each class. Balancing all those due dates and group meetings is going to be "fun".
Anyway, felt good to run out some steam. Kept it nice and easy, 4.3 miles on the treadmill while listening to the end of O's speech and the rebuttal. Got bored after that was over and just took off the headphones and zoned out staring across the gym.
Been really trying to focus on diet this week too. Easy during the week, not so much on the weekends.
Anyway, felt good to run out some steam. Kept it nice and easy, 4.3 miles on the treadmill while listening to the end of O's speech and the rebuttal. Got bored after that was over and just took off the headphones and zoned out staring across the gym.
Been really trying to focus on diet this week too. Easy during the week, not so much on the weekends.
sunday 1/24 - IC run
Planned on running 10+ in the Garden of the Gods from Memorial Park this morning. Temps were right around freezing when I got there but the wind was whipping pretty good. It got worse as I hit the high and exposed spots in the garden. A combination of the wind and yesterday's run lead to me wussing out and I settled for 7.5 mi.
Garmin data
Snapped a few pics while I was out this morning
Garmin data
Snapped a few pics while I was out this morning
saturday 1/23 - winter series II
Waffled on running the 2nd installment of the Pikes Peak Road Runners Winter Series all week. I'm just not that into running a race that short right now. I'd rather just run slow and get miles in. I had a change of heart last night and I headed down there this morning with the wife in tow. I grabbed a bib and headed out to do 1 mile of warm-up jogging.
As I ran back into the parking lot, my watch showed close to 10am but there were plenty of people milling around in the lot with race bibs on. I headed down towards the staging area and as I was about 200 yds out, I see a crowd of people running out onto the course. I make my way to the start line and ask somebody if that was the 4 mi race that just left. She said it was, so I took off in chase. I started my watch as I crossed the line to get my true time knowing I was already well over a minute, maybe even two, behind the gun.
I felt OK for the first mile and then settled in for the second mile. I spent most of the first half of the race picking people off until I finally reached people who were matching my pace. At the turn-around, I grabbed a cup of water, took a couple sips, and headed back. I felt like I really fell of the pace in the third mile but it was actually faster than mile 2. It didn't take long to see the final mile marker and I found another gear for the last mile. I picked off a few more people coming into the home stretch and put in a nice kick for the final 150 yds. I saw the clock moving to 41:00 as I crossed and hit my watch. Stopped it in 39:38. I guess I'll be on time for the next one.
Garmin data for the race
As I ran back into the parking lot, my watch showed close to 10am but there were plenty of people milling around in the lot with race bibs on. I headed down towards the staging area and as I was about 200 yds out, I see a crowd of people running out onto the course. I make my way to the start line and ask somebody if that was the 4 mi race that just left. She said it was, so I took off in chase. I started my watch as I crossed the line to get my true time knowing I was already well over a minute, maybe even two, behind the gun.
I felt OK for the first mile and then settled in for the second mile. I spent most of the first half of the race picking people off until I finally reached people who were matching my pace. At the turn-around, I grabbed a cup of water, took a couple sips, and headed back. I felt like I really fell of the pace in the third mile but it was actually faster than mile 2. It didn't take long to see the final mile marker and I found another gear for the last mile. I picked off a few more people coming into the home stretch and put in a nice kick for the final 150 yds. I saw the clock moving to 41:00 as I crossed and hit my watch. Stopped it in 39:38. I guess I'll be on time for the next one.
Garmin data for the race
thursday 1/21
Posted by
on Friday, January 22, 2010
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Legs were toasted after the Sunday run up Barr Trail so I didn't run until Thursday. Classes started this week and it's going to be nasty this semester, but I'll have a masters in May.
Went to the gym after class and ran 3 easy on the treadmill.
Went to the gym after class and ran 3 easy on the treadmill.
sunday 1/17
10 mi with the Incline Club this morning. From memorial park up, 5 mi up the PPA/M course. We turned back right around where the Bob's Rd aid station would be set up.
Trail was pretty icy in the shade going up. Had to put the YakTrax on at the 2nd switchback on the Ws. Places that see sun are mostly clear and dry. At No Name there was a bunch of snow and ice from runoff that had melted higher up and froze where the trail crosses the creek. Higher up was mostly just packed snow and footing wasn't too bad.
Garmin data
Trail was pretty icy in the shade going up. Had to put the YakTrax on at the 2nd switchback on the Ws. Places that see sun are mostly clear and dry. At No Name there was a bunch of snow and ice from runoff that had melted higher up and froze where the trail crosses the creek. Higher up was mostly just packed snow and footing wasn't too bad.
Garmin data
saturday 1/16 - a goal
Posted by
on Saturday, January 16, 2010
Comments: (1)
Caught Sherlock Holmes at the movies last night. He was kinda portrayed as this real badass intellectual who thought out his moves in slow-mo before kicking some dude's ass. Good show. Ate a bunch of sushi beforehand so I had to get up and run it off.
3.25 mi this morning. Easy loop around the neighborhood. I wish the weather would stay like this until about late April and then warm up for summer. Garmin data for the run
I didn't want to really commit to any new years resolutions because they are so cliche but I've floated something out there to a few people in conversation so I might as well write it down here. I'm going to run 1000 miles this year.
Going to check out the Ice Festival today (before the sculptures melt) and then IC run tomorrow. Not sure how far I'll make it towards Barr Camp but at least No Name Creek, hopefully higher.
3.25 mi this morning. Easy loop around the neighborhood. I wish the weather would stay like this until about late April and then warm up for summer. Garmin data for the run
I didn't want to really commit to any new years resolutions because they are so cliche but I've floated something out there to a few people in conversation so I might as well write it down here. I'm going to run 1000 miles this year.
Going to check out the Ice Festival today (before the sculptures melt) and then IC run tomorrow. Not sure how far I'll make it towards Barr Camp but at least No Name Creek, hopefully higher.
wednesday 1/13
Posted by
on Wednesday, January 13, 2010
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Wanted to get out and enjoy the nice weather so I brought stuff in so that I could get out during the work day. 3 mi loop around the office neighborhood.
monday 1/11
Posted by
on Tuesday, January 12, 2010
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3 miles on the treadmill at the gym. First 2 mi @ 5%, final @ 1%, all really slow.
sunday 1/10
IC run. Headed out from memorial park and realized I forgot my Yaktrax. Headed back to the Jeep and by the time I got there I decided to run through Garden of the Gods instead. Awesome weather and good views. Mixed it up on trails and the roads. 8 miles.
Garmin battery was dead again when I got there so I mapped it when I got home.
Garmin battery was dead again when I got there so I mapped it when I got home.
thursday 1/7
Posted by
on Friday, January 8, 2010
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45 minutes on the elliptical at the gym while watching the BCS National Championship. This will probably be one of the greatest "what if" games ever with McCoy going down in the first quarter.
Legs feel decently abused this week and I can't wait to hammer on them more when I run with the IC on Sunday.
Heading to Boulder Friday night for the Todd Snider concert.
Legs feel decently abused this week and I can't wait to hammer on them more when I run with the IC on Sunday.
Heading to Boulder Friday night for the Todd Snider concert.
Wednesday 1/6
Posted by
on Thursday, January 7, 2010
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Ran 3 miles on the treadmill at the gym. It hurt.
Glad all the traveling and holiday stuff is behind us so I can find some semblance of a groove to get into.
Glad all the traveling and holiday stuff is behind us so I can find some semblance of a groove to get into.