is a website that a lot of race organizers outsource the tasks of registration and collection of fees to. The Pikes Peak Ascent and Marathon was no different. However, with the shotgun registration process that is in place for the PPAM, apparently wasn't prepared for the traffic all at once.
A buddy at work notified me at about 7:58am this morning that the registration had opened. I browsed on over and started the process. I knew after the first button I clicked on the page that things were messed up. It took a considerable amount of time for the next screen to show up. All totaled, it took me about 25 minutes to register for the race. When I got a receipt via email, it said that my card had been charged the $95.55, but the "Registration For" section of the receipt was blank. WTF? I then tried to print a receipt on the site. Everytime I clicked that link, it lead me to a blank page.
About 20 minutes after I had registered, I was finally able to print out a copy of the receipt and waiver. A couple guys at work also experience difficulty but finally managed to get registered in just under an hour.
As the day went on, the PPAM staff updated the website and eventually called off the registration until they could sort out the massive screw-up they had on their hands compliments of For a website that many race organizers use, you would think they have their act together enough to accept registrations from a couple thousand people in an hour. It's a pretty monumental IT failure on their part and I hope another system can move in and take over where Active failed so miserably.
As of now, I'm in the race. The Board of Directors for the PPAM is having a meeting tonight to discuss how to fix the botched registration. I hope my entry holds and they open it again for the remaining slots left. I think it would also be cool if would refund my $6.30 processing fee that I paid to fight with their website this morning for a half hour.
Stay tuned for more!
My training goal for the winter was to prepare for the Horribly Hilly Hundred's challenge ride. It also opened opened at the same time on I spent an hour trying to register (split between two sessions). The web site was a complete disaster -- I waited 10 minutes between hitting okay on the screen that had my credit card and the time that web page submission timed out. The folks at need to spread things out or buy more servers. They don't seem to be doing a good job of load balancing. Why would have have a whole bunch of races and rides all start their registration at 8 AM PST? It seems to me they were just not planning. I'm mad. I'm also not signed up for the challenge ride that's been my training goal through the winter. I've been buying stuff off the web for as long as anybody. Yesterday represents the worst e-commerce experience of my Internet life.
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