I've finished a couple more 5K races since the last time I posted.
Back in April, I signed up for the UCCS Bash the Bluffs 5K. This was my first hill exposure and it sucked. It was an out and back course with a downhill out (wow, that was easy) and uphill back (are you kidding me?!). If you are familiar with the campus, it started by the UC, went up to the police station and then followed the road behind the campus all the way down past the new dorms and onto Stanton Rd to the edge of the housing development. From there it turned around and followed the same route back to the UC. It was barely above freezing when we started, but felt like it was about 65 when we were done. It wasn't. It took about a half hour hanging outside after the race before I could actually tell it was still 45 degrees outside. Anyway, I finished in 42:31. A little slower than the St Pat's race, but not bad for fighting hills the first time.
UCCS also had the coolest shirt that I've received by far. Most races give out cotton T's to participants. UCCS handed us "limited edition" polyester blend performance shirts. The kind that wick moisture away from your body whne your running. Nice! Last thing I needed was another T-shirt.
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