Josh and I met a little before 7pm yesterday and headed over to do the Incline. I left the dog at home since he was generally slowing me down the last couple of times I had taken him up there. I had told myself all day that I was going to set a new PR for the trip and I couldn't do it with Boomer in tow.
We've always started our watches at the top of the stairs leading from the Barr Trail parking lot to the incline itself so that's where we turned them on yesterday. Josh was way out in front of me pretty quick but I kept a pretty good pace going. There was a girl in front of me that I was slowly reeling in so I kept tabs on the distance between us to help with pacing. Once we got to the steeps, she all but quit so I was on my own after that. I held a pretty quick pace (for me) all the way to the bailout spot and slowed down a little between there and the false summit. I knew I was going faster than normal when Josh was just at the false summit when I hit the bailout. Once I crested the false summit, I saw Josh was still not to the top and I knew I could set a PR. I quickly moved up the less steep section after the false summit and made quick work of the final climb. I stopped my watch at 45:59. Not sure if I bested that last summer or not, but it was a good 6 minutes faster than I had done it so far this year. I was stoked.
We headed down Barr Trail to the bailout and then hopped back on the stairs. On the way down, we stopped twice, turned around and ran up the stairs doing 50 yd sprints. It burned like hell, but was a killer way to get some extra work in.
I think that gets this thing about caught up for the last month or so. Got plans to head up the mountain again and get some more altitude work in this weekend.
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