wednesday 2/2

Still been trucking along. Lined out a structured plan to ramp up for Colfax. Got a run in on Monday before the shit hit the fan and took Tuesday off. After work on Wednesday, I pulled out UA leggings, some crappy wind pants, a long sleeve base layer and a Columbia shell and set out for 4 miles. No idea what the actual temp was but I was able to pull the gaiter down off my face for most of the run and stay comfortable.


Anonymous said...

You are a crazy MOFO, Wednesday was brutal. Congrats on your Colfax Marathon signup - that's a big committment son. Curious why you picked that particular one though, as I hear it's not particularly scenic.


Jay said...

Schedule more than anything. I wanted to get it knocked out before the kid arrives. I think Ft Collins was full and didn't want to drive up to Steamboat.

Jay said...

Colfax was only $75 too so that helped.

Anonymous said...

Is Josh running it also ?

Let me know if you want some company on your long runs. You know what a drill sergeant I can be. Also, Diane and I are driving out to the Gateway Canyon Better Half in March (south of Grand Junction). You should check it out.
