first 5k done

I finished the 5K on St. Patrick's Day on Saturday. It was an extremely warm day, but it was better than cold and rainy. I finished with a time of 37:08. I should have been under 37 minutes, but they didn't have a timing pad at the start and we took our sweet time getting across the line to let the crowd thin out a little bit.

I don't think I trained enough for distance in the month leading up to it. I definitely need to concentrate on running longer distances between now and the next race. Ideally, I'd like to trim 2 minutes off my time and come in under 35 minutes next time.

Next race: Bash the Bluffs 5K. The hills should provide more of a challenge than the road race downtown, but I need to do more hills for the ascent anyway.


NickS said...

Hey man, nice work!
I've been trying to get into better shape the past few months. But sickness and excessive work have prevented me from exercising the past 2-3 weeks. So I hauled off with 4 miles on Saturday. Not having done anything in a few weeks, 45 minutes seemed pretty generous. Don't think I'm ready for a real race yet however. Props man. ive enjoyed reading your progress.