stress fracture

So I've been running for a couple months on a stress fracture.  Can't remember how long exactly it's been since I started feeling the pain but I wrote it off as shin splints for the longest time.  After it didn't get better following a two week break, I broke down and went to the doc.  Bone scan showed a fracture in my left tibia.  Gonna be in a boot for a couple weeks and then evaluated by a sports doc to get me back into training while not hurting myself again.   The doctor said I may still be able to start running again and get plenty of quality training in before the Ascent.

still nursing

I took a solid two weeks off, no running or hiking or anything strenuous save for a couple circuits at the gym.  All the pain in my shin dissipated and things were feeling pretty good.  I decided to take advantage of the awesome weather and head over to Palmer Park on Monday.  As soon as I started running I could feel the pain in my left leg.  Fabulous!  As it has done every time before it went away within the first mile and I got a nice 3.5 mi run in.

Woke up Tuesday morning to the familiar stiffness in the shin.  It got worse today.  I finally decided to call the doc and see if they could tell me how to fix it.  Went in for a look at it today and she sent me off for a bone scan.  I can't get in for that until next Tuesday so I'm stuck doing nothing again until next week.  Hope it's not a stress fracture and I can get it to heal up with a bit more rest.

This is getting depressing.....


Gonna take a couple weeks to let my calves/shins heal up.  They usually are fine to run on once I warmup but have been getting progressively more sore after runs as of late.  The tender areas are also spreading.  Will ride the bike in the meantime.  Hopefully I can hold out and heal up until about the 20th of April.  Sucks!

recovery run

I wasn't terribly sore from the run with the Incline Club on Sunday. My legs just felt kinda tired and a little stiff but not much in the way of muscle soreness. I felt it would be a good idea to go out for a few miles and warm them up and stretch things out. I can't say it was a horrible idea, but it wasn't fun. I decided to run to the gym, get a quick workout in, and then run home. It was only two miles, but it hurt most of the way there. It just took that long to get warmed up. I finally started feeling good when I was almost there. I felt fine after and did another half mile up a nice hill and back down to Michelle's car. Thankfully, she didn't make me run all the way back home.