rudolph's revenge

rudolph’s revengePart of the Denver Winter Distance Series, we headed up to Chatfield Reservoir on December 15 to run the first of the jaunts through the snow. There was a pretty nasty winter storm that had blown through the front range the week of the first race so that made for some chilly and slick conditions. At the start of the race the temperature was somewhere around 12 degrees. The sky was clear and the sun felt awesome beating down on the course. Luckily, there was no wind blowing so it wasn't terribly uncomfortable.

Once the race began, it didn't take long for me to get a side stictch breathing in the crisp cold air. I was able to run through it but it wasn't fun. The first half of the race was on a road that had been plowed to leave a thin layer of icy snow. It wasn't too slick and made for a pretty easy run. At the turn around, where they forgot to put out water, we moved onto a bike trail. The bike trail wasn't exactly groomed and also featured a lot more hills than the road out did. Up the hills proved difficult trying to propel yourself forward at the same time sinking in a few inches of snow. The last stretch moved back on to the road and I crossed the finish line at 37:33. Nothing to write home about but it was the first race I had run since the Ascent.