some good news

Got in to see the sports medicine doc yesterday and after a quick eval and discussion of my symptoms, he told me I likely didn't have a stress fracture.  He took a couple x-rays stating that a stress fracture that has been around as long as I've had pain in the shin would show up on film by now.  They came back negative.  He prescribed some physical therapy for shin splints and recommended I be custom fit for some orthotics to correct the poor alignment issues as a result of my severely flat feet.  I'm going to start running again tomorrow evening using the Pfitzinger rehab plan for stress fractures (just in case) and take it real slow getting back up to speed.  Hopefully the combination of PT strengthening the muscles/tendons on the medial tibia, added support from the orthotics, and a slow and sustained ramp-up of miles will keep me injury free and I can get back to Pikes Peak training soon.