Almost! Josh and I planned on making back to back passes up the incline yesterday. I picked him up around 7 and we were in the Barr Trail parking lot at 7:20. It got warm pretty quickly yesterday and we made OK time up the first pass. The run down Barr Trail to the parking lot was nice and refreshing while in the trees. We hung out in the parking lot for a few minutes and then started up the incline again.
It didn't take me long to realize that I was pretty drained from the first pass, but I marched on. I told Josh I would just meet him at the Barr trailhead so he didn't have to wait for me at the top if I would never make it up there. He went ahead and reached the top again. I took my sweet time and was able to finally get to the Barr Trail cutoff (a little over halfway up) and then crawled my way back down to the bottom on the trail. Josh came down about 20 minutes later.
I'm going to run tomorrow morning here at work and then take it easy for the rest of the week since my first 10k is coming up on Saturday morning.
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