Sailin' Shoes 10K

I showed up and finished it. All in all it was a pretty good time. We started right at 7am on Tejon St. out in front of Poor Richard's. As we headed north, I could feel a slight cramp in my left calf and started to compensate for it. We were pretty close to the front of the pack and I went out a little too fast just being that close to the front. It didn't take long to slow down and get comfortable. I ran most of the first two miles worried about the calf cramp, but I couldn't feel it any longer after the 2 mile mark.

As we neared the 2.5 mile mark, the 5k folks peeled off and headed back the start/finish. At this point, it was a ghost town on the streets and there was considerable distance between the runners in front of me and behind me. It was rather enjoyable though being able to see a few people in front of me to pace or even reel in when they slowed down or I ran faster. I maintained a pretty average pace (for me) through most of the remainder and sucked down a PowerGel at the second water station for a little lift. We turned around up by Penrose Hospital headed back towards downtown. There was a quick pass through Monument Valley park and then back onto the streets with a nasty hill climb up Monument St. Once on top, it was over to Tejon and then down to start/finish. I crossed at 1:13:07. I ran the entire course, only stopping to walk while I quickly chugged a glass of water at each aid station. I still gotta learn how to drink and run I guess.

On day 2 after the race, I feel pretty good. I was expecting to be a little more sore, but the longer run/hikes on Ute Pass must be helping.


lisa sabin said...

Good luck with your training for Pikes Peak. I am hoping to run the Boston Marathon in 2008. I admire you trail runners. I am just afraid of twisting and ankle!

Marathon Running said...

That was a good run. Glad you finished it and enjoyed it as well.