wednesday 7/14 - incline

Up early and headed over to Manitou. The thermometer in my Jeep read 75F when I left the house at 5:30! However, it stayed mostly cloudy for the hike up the Incline and was quite comfortable. Up in 51:29, easy jog back down to Ruxton. Times are far from impressive but I've taken over 10 minutes off since I started going over there on Wednesday mornings last month.

Was up late watching Le Tour and got up early this morning. Time for coffee. Even now that Lance is out, I'm so completely invested in the race and I can't stop watching it. Epic stuff.


GZ said...

Be sure to go down the Barr!

Gonna be hot this weekend!

Jay said...

Of course! Wouldn't want to end up a Search & Rescue statistic.