barr trail to 7.8 to go sign

Disappointed with last Sunday's workout, I decided to launch a midweek assault on the trail.  Maybe if I surprised it, it would be much easier for me.  It didn't really work out that way, but I did get in a much better workout than Sunday.  I hit the trail a few minutes after 6am on Wednesday morning and took my sweet ass time through the W's.  The intent was to watch heart rate and keep it in check, but even with a new battery in the heart rate strap, the watch didn't recognize it.  WTF?

Once up past the W's and into the flats, I was able to move pretty quickly and it the sign at 1:51.  Subtract a few minutes for the time it took me to get to the station and I guess I'm ok with regards to hitting cutoffs for the BTMR.

I hammered most of the downhill and made it back down in less than an hour and ran up Hydro Street to see how the race finish really feels.