what's been goin on

Since April some pretty cool stuff has been going on....

I was slated to run the Colfax Marathon in May but was tapped for a three week trip to VA for work which started a week before the marathon. The heavy end of the training block wasn't going great so I was prepared to jump into the half but ended up not running it at all, obviously.

When I returned, I took a little break from running to get my house in order. I was still making twice weekly trips to kill myself on the incline and then a nice leisurely jog down Barr, but wasn't doing anything remotely close to real running.

Fast forward to middle of July and my wife and I welcomed our first baby. Being a Dad is the coolest thing in the world and this baby girl teaches me something new every day. Since Jaelyn's birth, I've managed to get a few runs in and feel pretty good. Obviously, this was a big part of the reason I did not sign up for the Ascent this year. My wife has been gracious enough to let me make the trip over to Manitou to spectate. I'm actually kind of excited since I've never seen the start or finish from that perspective. Looking forward to watching that unfold on Saturday.

Nothing real firm planned for running. Just trying to find time to get out and run when I can. My wife has been awesome so far and is always open to letting me get out of the house for a run.


GZ said...

Dude - congratulations to all of you!