Last race to close out the PPRR Winter Series and I was not excited about it. I just got back from England late Thursday night and still felt a little jetlagged before the race. The course was icy thanks to a little snow that fell early Saturday morning and a few people managed to hit the ground in the first couple miles before it started thawing out. Also unwelcome were all the hills on this couse. I haven't really done much in the way of extended hill training thus far while building a base. I charged up the first hill and had to walk at the top as my calves were on fire and felt like they were close to locking up. This was just after the one mile mark and I knew this wouldn't end good.
I walked a couple more hills and ran the flats and downhills before getting out into the northern end of the forest where we lost tree cover. It was extremely windy up there and I didn't feel like I was moving at all. I just kept moving and thankfully the last quarter mile or so was downhill. I cruised in with a dismal 1:18:07.
Cliff notes: jetlag sucks and it makes me run slower than my normal slow self.
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