treadmills suck

So Michelle and I went down to ABQ for the weekend to meet her parents and do some wedding related stuff.  We got down to Santa Fe on Friday night a little after 8 and then headed to a restaurant for some new mexican food.  The food was ok, the bud lights were delicious.

Got up at 6am and hit the treadmill in the hotel gym before going to meet our photographer for some "engagement photos".  Better late than never I guess.

I ran a little over 2 miles before slowing the speed down and cranking the incline up.  Put in another mile like that while my calves begged for mercy.   I still hate running indoors.   Michelle was able to run a mile without stopping for the first time in a long time too.   I'm so proud of her.  Hope she is able to keep it up!

On Sunday, we woke up and did the treadmill thing again, this time in Albuquerque.  I ran a few intervals of running and walking with the incline cranked up.  Michelle's folks called and we had to meet them for breakfast before they headed back home so the run was cut a little short but it felt good.

Daylight saving time can't get here soon enough.  I'm so ready to get in some runs after work while there is still some light on the trails.

Got winter series iii this Saturday.  I'm going to be dumb and snowboard on Friday anyway.  Hope I'm not last in my age group again. :|