Pretty good time for my first real half marathon. We headed down to Pueblo early Saturday morning. I got there about a half hour later than I wanted to but still had plenty of time to get checked in and run a few hundred yards. I took my place in the back of the pack and we were off a little after 9am. The temps were pretty cold when we got started, but the sky was clear and the sun warmed things up. We ran two laps around City Park before heading out to the Arkansas River trail. I really had to focus on keeping a slow pace those first couple laps. I ran those first two in around 10:15-10:20 without much effort.
Once we got out to the river, we found ourselves on a concrete bike path which I wasn't terribly thrilled about. Luckily there was some single track off the the side that I ran on. We neared a little nature center and restaurant on the river where an aid station was set up. I grabbed a couple swallows of Gatorade and pulled a Gu out. After the aid station it was a pretty flat run up next to a little bluff. It opened up into the "canyon" and followed the river almost all the way to the dam. About 5 or 6 miles into the race, I started thinking how easy the race had been so far. I wasn't exactly setting any speed records, but I felt I had maintained a comfortable pace and ran a smart race. I quickly told myself not to get too carried away with those thoughts; I was sure it wouldn't be that easy for the entire distance.
As we neared the dam, more and more return runners were coming towards me. I thought I was getting close to the turnaround, but it was still a ways off. Once I hit the final outbound aid station, I started feeling a little sluggish and noticed a twinge in my left achilles. It started to get difficult to maintain a solid pace. I would feel myself slow way down and then have to talk myself into picking it up until a certain landmark or spot on the course. This cycle repeated for the next couple miles. When I approached 10 miles in, the head games started. I really wanted to walk for a bit, but at the same time, I knew that it would be that much harder to start running again if I did. I pushed on through mile 10. I kept looking for short stretches where I would tell myself I could take a quick walk break only to keep running through them. This pattern repeated itself until I got to the bottom of the hill leading back into City Park with about .2 miles remaining.
Like most hills, it didn't seem bad going down, but it was brutal looking back up. I took a few strides on the way up and my calves quickly knotted up. Even walking I could feel my hamstrings started to lock up as I made my way up the hill. Once I got to the top, I managed to find a real slow run and jogged it in until the final turn for home.
I was pretty sore immediately after the race. I grabbed some Gatorade and then laid on the ground for a few minutes and had my wife stretch my legs. That did wonders to at least make me mobile, but it didn't take long for the outside edge of my right foot to start hurting so much that I was convinced I broke it. Between the achilles on my left leg and the right foot, I hobbled around for a couple days but both of those issues seem to have taken care of themselves. Looking forward to running this weekend between snowboarding and studying for finals.
Planning on running the PPRR Rescue Run on New Years Day, the PPRR Winter Series (long?), and then start focusing on full marathon training for Colfax I think. (yes, I'm crazy!)
gearing up for my first half
Ok, so I've technically done a half (Pikes Peak Ascent) but that's never been much of a run for me. I signed up for the Rock Canyon Half Marathon in Pueblo on December 6th. Yeah, that's this Saturday. My longest run to date has been 10 miles so I hope I'm ready to extend that to 13.1 on Saturday. I'm going to get one more easy run in at JQRC tomorrow night and then take the rest of the week off. Weather is shaping up to be absolutely killer for running on Saturday with highs in the mid 50s and not much in the way of wind.
Followed Bucky around Section 16 last Friday and I could tell that I hadn't been focusing on hills much lately but after the brutal first climb, the downhill was a nice treat.
Followed Bucky around Section 16 last Friday and I could tell that I hadn't been focusing on hills much lately but after the brutal first climb, the downhill was a nice treat.
still running
So sometimes life gets in the way of blog posting, but fortunately, not in the way of actually running. After the miserable performance at the Ascent (hey, I showed up and started and actually made a 15ish mile roundtrip), I took a little time off from running to relax. I said just a little. Within a couple weeks, I was back on the incline and getting in short runs around the neighborhood and Palmer Park.
I toyed with the idea of running the PPRR Pony Express 15 miler but just didn't feel I was quite ready to run/hike that. I've continued to battle the same shin issues that plagued me last spring on and off but not anywhere near as severe. I think I've finally built up a base over a sustained period of time that the soft tissue on the posterior of my shins has gotten used to the abuse.
In October, the PPRR Fall Series kicked off and I ran the first two of those races. I missed the next two for weekend trips, but felt pretty good about the way those races went. Later in the month, Josh talked me into showing up for Jack Quinn's Running Club on Tuesday nights and I've been running down there every week since.
About the same time, the mention of the Rock Canyon Half Marathon in Pueblo came up and I started training for that as well. With about two more weekends left to train for that, I've got a couple of decent long runs planned to hopefully get me ready for the half on Dec 6.
After the first of the year, I'm pretty stoked about running the Rescue Run on New Year's Day and then the PPRR Winter Series. With the Incline Club starting up workouts pretty quick too, I'll probably be joining those crazies for some cold weather Sunday runs as well.
PS - hi bucky.
I toyed with the idea of running the PPRR Pony Express 15 miler but just didn't feel I was quite ready to run/hike that. I've continued to battle the same shin issues that plagued me last spring on and off but not anywhere near as severe. I think I've finally built up a base over a sustained period of time that the soft tissue on the posterior of my shins has gotten used to the abuse.
In October, the PPRR Fall Series kicked off and I ran the first two of those races. I missed the next two for weekend trips, but felt pretty good about the way those races went. Later in the month, Josh talked me into showing up for Jack Quinn's Running Club on Tuesday nights and I've been running down there every week since.
About the same time, the mention of the Rock Canyon Half Marathon in Pueblo came up and I started training for that as well. With about two more weekends left to train for that, I've got a couple of decent long runs planned to hopefully get me ready for the half on Dec 6.
After the first of the year, I'm pretty stoked about running the Rescue Run on New Year's Day and then the PPRR Winter Series. With the Incline Club starting up workouts pretty quick too, I'll probably be joining those crazies for some cold weather Sunday runs as well.
PS - hi bucky.
almost d-day
Haven't posted much here lately. Been real busy with life outside of running but I have managed to get some training in for the peak. Nerves are starting to kick up and I'm ready to run on Saturday. Looks like the weather could get interesting. Talking about inches of snow for Friday night and into Saturday. Hopefully I'll be able to put a post up here after the weekend detailing smashing of goals and such.
better late than never
After my last post, the shin pain returned a couple days later and I was forced to back down to longer walking intervals and less running. Shortly thereafter, it was time to go get married. It was almost three weeks without running when Josh and I headed up Barr Trail to No Name Creek on Saturday. We were heading up Ruxton a few minutes after 6am but still found nowhere to park. The Incline must still be gaining in popularity. We decided to just head back to Memorial Park and start there knowing we could park there.
Made it to No Name in 1:31 from the park. Not great but that doesn't put me too far off pace to get under 5 hours for the full ascent. Made it back down to the cog in around 30 minutes and we ended up walking to rest of the way to the park. My legs, hips, back, shoulders, and even abs were totally trashed yesterday. Feel a little better today but glad that I was able to make it up that far at a decent pace. We caught a break with the cool weather on Saturday but I don't think we will be as lucky as we get into July. I'm gonna try to get at least 4 more trips up on the bottom half and then spend one day on the summit before tapering. I think I can gain more on the bottom half than I can on the top.
Gonna try again this weekend to go to Bob's Rd or the 7.5 to go sign. Hope I can get enough quality time in on the mountain to improve over last year.
Made it to No Name in 1:31 from the park. Not great but that doesn't put me too far off pace to get under 5 hours for the full ascent. Made it back down to the cog in around 30 minutes and we ended up walking to rest of the way to the park. My legs, hips, back, shoulders, and even abs were totally trashed yesterday. Feel a little better today but glad that I was able to make it up that far at a decent pace. We caught a break with the cool weather on Saturday but I don't think we will be as lucky as we get into July. I'm gonna try to get at least 4 more trips up on the bottom half and then spend one day on the summit before tapering. I think I can gain more on the bottom half than I can on the top.
Gonna try again this weekend to go to Bob's Rd or the 7.5 to go sign. Hope I can get enough quality time in on the mountain to improve over last year.
i almost feel like a runner again
Still working through Pfitzinger rehab and going to PT twice a week but I'm starting to get some decent time on my feet and it feels damn good. I did 2 min walk/8 min run x3 last week and just got back from 10 run/2 walk/10 run/2 walk/10 run a bit ago. Looks like I got in just before the t-storms rolling in. No leg pain to speak of and I generally felt pretty excited to be out running the whole time. Hope to get a half hour nonstop in next weekend.
rehab is going well
It's been about 10 days since the doc said I don't have a stress fracture. I finally got a run in on Sunday. 10 minute walk, 5 minute run, 5 walk, 5 run. I walked to and from the little dirt track around the drainage field a few blocks from the house before starting the prescribed walk/run interval. I ended up with some ankle pain in the left leg but I wrote that off as a side effect of wearing the boot for a week and a half and having all the little muscles in my ankle, foot, and lower leg immobilized for such a long time. The pain lingered for a couple days but hasn't come back since.
I went to my first physical therapy session on Tuesday. A lot of notes taken about things she saw and a couple of stretches recommended to strengthen totally unrelated areas. She thinks the left leg got sore after compensating for weaknesses in my right leg. Sounds plausible.
I spent about 45 minutes on the elliptical on Tuesday evening before going to study for finals. Upped the intensity a little bit to get the HR up some more. I went in for another PT session yesterday afternoon. Got a nice massage on the calf and left leg. She then taped my leg. When she told me she was going to tape the leg to offer some support where the calf muscle attaches to the tibia, I imagined the lower leg being wrapped tightly. However, she took a long strip of sports tape, ran it from just below my knee all the way down towards my shin right on top of the tibia. Towards the ankle, she cut the strip in half and then wrapped it around under my foot. The only thing I can feel is how bad it's going rip out leg hairs when I go to pull it off.
Went for another run last night. 5 walk, 5 run for 30 minutes. Didn't have any issues with the leg. Things feel pretty good today, too. Planning on getting some quality time on the elliptical or the bike this afternoon and then another run on Sunday. Looking at the rest of the plan, I should be running for an hour by the end of June. After that I'll spend a few weekends going to Barr Trail and back and then a couple weeks of training on the summit.
I went to my first physical therapy session on Tuesday. A lot of notes taken about things she saw and a couple of stretches recommended to strengthen totally unrelated areas. She thinks the left leg got sore after compensating for weaknesses in my right leg. Sounds plausible.
I spent about 45 minutes on the elliptical on Tuesday evening before going to study for finals. Upped the intensity a little bit to get the HR up some more. I went in for another PT session yesterday afternoon. Got a nice massage on the calf and left leg. She then taped my leg. When she told me she was going to tape the leg to offer some support where the calf muscle attaches to the tibia, I imagined the lower leg being wrapped tightly. However, she took a long strip of sports tape, ran it from just below my knee all the way down towards my shin right on top of the tibia. Towards the ankle, she cut the strip in half and then wrapped it around under my foot. The only thing I can feel is how bad it's going rip out leg hairs when I go to pull it off.
Went for another run last night. 5 walk, 5 run for 30 minutes. Didn't have any issues with the leg. Things feel pretty good today, too. Planning on getting some quality time on the elliptical or the bike this afternoon and then another run on Sunday. Looking at the rest of the plan, I should be running for an hour by the end of June. After that I'll spend a few weekends going to Barr Trail and back and then a couple weeks of training on the summit.
some good news
Got in to see the sports medicine doc yesterday and after a quick eval and discussion of my symptoms, he told me I likely didn't have a stress fracture. He took a couple x-rays stating that a stress fracture that has been around as long as I've had pain in the shin would show up on film by now. They came back negative. He prescribed some physical therapy for shin splints and recommended I be custom fit for some orthotics to correct the poor alignment issues as a result of my severely flat feet. I'm going to start running again tomorrow evening using the Pfitzinger rehab plan for stress fractures (just in case) and take it real slow getting back up to speed. Hopefully the combination of PT strengthening the muscles/tendons on the medial tibia, added support from the orthotics, and a slow and sustained ramp-up of miles will keep me injury free and I can get back to Pikes Peak training soon.
Still walking around in this stupid boot and doing very little in the way of working out. I'm going to put in a marathon session on the elliptical this afternoon. I've got an appointment with a specialist tomorrow to figure out when I can get back to running.
Spent all weekend in Phoenix, sat by the pool, drank a lot and spent time with Michelle, her brother, and her parents. In a bit of a fog for a Monday.
Spent all weekend in Phoenix, sat by the pool, drank a lot and spent time with Michelle, her brother, and her parents. In a bit of a fog for a Monday.
stress fracture
So I've been running for a couple months on a stress fracture. Can't remember how long exactly it's been since I started feeling the pain but I wrote it off as shin splints for the longest time. After it didn't get better following a two week break, I broke down and went to the doc. Bone scan showed a fracture in my left tibia. Gonna be in a boot for a couple weeks and then evaluated by a sports doc to get me back into training while not hurting myself again. The doctor said I may still be able to start running again and get plenty of quality training in before the Ascent.
still nursing
I took a solid two weeks off, no running or hiking or anything strenuous save for a couple circuits at the gym. All the pain in my shin dissipated and things were feeling pretty good. I decided to take advantage of the awesome weather and head over to Palmer Park on Monday. As soon as I started running I could feel the pain in my left leg. Fabulous! As it has done every time before it went away within the first mile and I got a nice 3.5 mi run in.
Woke up Tuesday morning to the familiar stiffness in the shin. It got worse today. I finally decided to call the doc and see if they could tell me how to fix it. Went in for a look at it today and she sent me off for a bone scan. I can't get in for that until next Tuesday so I'm stuck doing nothing again until next week. Hope it's not a stress fracture and I can get it to heal up with a bit more rest.
This is getting depressing.....
Woke up Tuesday morning to the familiar stiffness in the shin. It got worse today. I finally decided to call the doc and see if they could tell me how to fix it. Went in for a look at it today and she sent me off for a bone scan. I can't get in for that until next Tuesday so I'm stuck doing nothing again until next week. Hope it's not a stress fracture and I can get it to heal up with a bit more rest.
This is getting depressing.....
Gonna take a couple weeks to let my calves/shins heal up. They usually are fine to run on once I warmup but have been getting progressively more sore after runs as of late. The tender areas are also spreading. Will ride the bike in the meantime. Hopefully I can hold out and heal up until about the 20th of April. Sucks!
recovery run
I wasn't terribly sore from the run with the Incline Club on Sunday. My legs just felt kinda tired and a little stiff but not much in the way of muscle soreness. I felt it would be a good idea to go out for a few miles and warm them up and stretch things out. I can't say it was a horrible idea, but it wasn't fun. I decided to run to the gym, get a quick workout in, and then run home. It was only two miles, but it hurt most of the way there. It just took that long to get warmed up. I finally started feeling good when I was almost there. I felt fine after and did another half mile up a nice hill and back down to Michelle's car. Thankfully, she didn't make me run all the way back home.
training log 3/30
Pretty good week. The weather is starting to get nicer and that makes it easier for me to go out and run.
Mon - 3.75 mi - down past the baseball stadium and back to the house
Wed - ~4 mi, Palmer Point loop with a little extra added in.
Sun - 10.2 mi, Incline Club workout
Total 18 mi
Mon - 3.75 mi - down past the baseball stadium and back to the house
Wed - ~4 mi, Palmer Point loop with a little extra added in.
Sun - 10.2 mi, Incline Club workout
Total 18 mi
first incline club workout
Finally got off my ass and went to an Incline Club workout. Got there a few minutes early, ran into a girl that recognized me from the RunnersWorld forums, signed in and then hit the streets. Ran up to Ute Pass Trail, over to Waldo Canyon about a mile in, and then came back the same way. I forgot how much the first couple of hills on UPT suck. Definitely need to get some more hill training in, but I guess thats why I show up to run with those folks.
Map of the run:
Not near as sore as I thought I would be today. More tired in the legs than anything. Thursday night workouts start on Thursday and I'm planning to make it over to Manitou for that as well.
Map of the run:
Not near as sore as I thought I would be today. More tired in the legs than anything. Thursday night workouts start on Thursday and I'm planning to make it over to Manitou for that as well.
training log 3/16
Another busy week.
Saturday - 5K; 30:34 (PR)
Sunday - 2.5 mi on treadmill; 33:00 (10 minutes at 10% incline)
5.6 mi; 63 min
Saturday - 5K; 30:34 (PR)
Sunday - 2.5 mi on treadmill; 33:00 (10 minutes at 10% incline)
5.6 mi; 63 min
yes i ran today and a crazy dream
Josh and I talked yesterday about heading into Palmer Park to run the Templeton loop at some point today. The weather wasn't great this morning but there was no wind and it was hovering right around the freezing point. Michelle and I headed out for breakfast and I planned to look Josh up after that. It started drizzling at breakfast but I decided I'd still like to get a run in. (Michelle insists I plan to run on days like this to get people to question my sanity) I called Josh and he decided to bail. I went and scooped up the dog and decided that I would hop on the treadmill at my parents' house instead of getting out in this mess. The dog gets to play with his sister over there anyway. I warmed up with a brisk walk for 5 minutes and then cranked the incline to 10% and ran a mile at 3.7mph. Not blazing by any stretch but it's a manageable pace on steep terrain. I turned the incline down and finished up a very slow recovery run of just over 2 miles in a little over 30 minutes.
I woke up out of a wicked dream in bed this morning. I remember running in the Pikes Peak Ascent and having the lungs to actually jog above treeline (I told you it was a dream). I felt like I was making great time but there weren't any other runners anywhere near me. I finally made it to the finish line and there were only a few people milling around. Just like the St Pat's 5K race, the clock was missing. I don't remember anything after that but I somehow found out that I had run the Ascent in a shade over 7 hours. WTF?! That's a good half hour past the cutoff and over two hours longer than my goal! When I finally got my wits about me after waking up, I realized it was only March and I had plenty of time to avoid something like that happening.
Already dreaming about the Ascent.... guess I got it on the brain.
I woke up out of a wicked dream in bed this morning. I remember running in the Pikes Peak Ascent and having the lungs to actually jog above treeline (I told you it was a dream). I felt like I was making great time but there weren't any other runners anywhere near me. I finally made it to the finish line and there were only a few people milling around. Just like the St Pat's 5K race, the clock was missing. I don't remember anything after that but I somehow found out that I had run the Ascent in a shade over 7 hours. WTF?! That's a good half hour past the cutoff and over two hours longer than my goal! When I finally got my wits about me after waking up, I realized it was only March and I had plenty of time to avoid something like that happening.
Already dreaming about the Ascent.... guess I got it on the brain.
Made a quick update to the goals page. It's silly to chalk one up so early in the season and not raise the bar a little bit.
st pats 5K
Woke up early on Saturday, had some breakfast, and started getting my head right for the 5K on St. Patrick's Day in downtown Colorado Springs. I changed clothes a few times because every time I looked out the window the weather was doing something different. Finally decided I would wear shorts and a tech shirt. I had a windbreaker with me to stay a little warm before the race and ended up tying it around my waist just before the start.
Once we got the gun we headed off down Tejon St. About a block in my legs felt already felt weak like I needed food. Too late now... I kept on. Once the crowds thinned out a bit, I settled into a comfortable but faster than normal pace. I caught up with a few people that I was running with after a couple blocks and ran with them for a bit. The race as a whole was pretty uneventful. I found myself behind a couple dudes who were juggling the entire time and still holding a pace that was a little quicker than my own. Badasses!
I was pretty disappointed that there wasn't so much as one water stop or a mile marker anywhere on the course and when I rolled into the finish line all jazzed to see my time, there was no clock to be found. My stopwatch/hrm has been inop for about 4 months since the dog ate it and nobody else around me seemed to have a watch on. I was left to wait until the sheets were posted at Runner's Roost later in the day.
I quickly found my parents (how cool of them to come out and cheer me on) and told them that I was going to find my fiance and bring her in. I made it another two blocks north on Tejon and found her. I ran with her down to the final turn and stopped and waited for her to cross the line and meet up with my parents and all of our friends.
We decided to head over to Old Chicago to claim seats for the parade and start swilling celebratory beers. Not long after we were there, Jill came back from Runner's Roost with times for everyone. My goal was a 32:00 but I would have been pleased with a 33:00 still being well into PR territory for me. When I saw her sheet, I read my time and threw my hands in the air. 30:34! I was completely surprised by that and also very pleased. Granted, it was hardly a maintainable pace for me over any distance more than what we had done, it felt really good destroying an old PR and getting so close to a new milestone. Hopefully, I can crack out a sub 30 min 5K before the season is out. Time to update the goals!
Once we got the gun we headed off down Tejon St. About a block in my legs felt already felt weak like I needed food. Too late now... I kept on. Once the crowds thinned out a bit, I settled into a comfortable but faster than normal pace. I caught up with a few people that I was running with after a couple blocks and ran with them for a bit. The race as a whole was pretty uneventful. I found myself behind a couple dudes who were juggling the entire time and still holding a pace that was a little quicker than my own. Badasses!
I was pretty disappointed that there wasn't so much as one water stop or a mile marker anywhere on the course and when I rolled into the finish line all jazzed to see my time, there was no clock to be found. My stopwatch/hrm has been inop for about 4 months since the dog ate it and nobody else around me seemed to have a watch on. I was left to wait until the sheets were posted at Runner's Roost later in the day.
I quickly found my parents (how cool of them to come out and cheer me on) and told them that I was going to find my fiance and bring her in. I made it another two blocks north on Tejon and found her. I ran with her down to the final turn and stopped and waited for her to cross the line and meet up with my parents and all of our friends.
We decided to head over to Old Chicago to claim seats for the parade and start swilling celebratory beers. Not long after we were there, Jill came back from Runner's Roost with times for everyone. My goal was a 32:00 but I would have been pleased with a 33:00 still being well into PR territory for me. When I saw her sheet, I read my time and threw my hands in the air. 30:34! I was completely surprised by that and also very pleased. Granted, it was hardly a maintainable pace for me over any distance more than what we had done, it felt really good destroying an old PR and getting so close to a new milestone. Hopefully, I can crack out a sub 30 min 5K before the season is out. Time to update the goals!
race plans
Unlike others, I can't just train for one race until August. I need some intermediate events to keep me motivated and set benchmarks. Here is what I've got planned between now and the end of the summer:
- 5K on St. Patrick's Day - A fun and fast 5K in downtown COS. This will mark the one year anniversary of entering a race. Looking forward to setting a new 5K PR.
- UCCS Bash the Bluffs (27 April)- Finally found some info on They are offering a 5K, 10K and children's fun run this year. New loop course this year. Leaning towards the 10k.
- Take 5 in the Garden (3 May) - 5 miler in Garden of the Gods
-Garden of the Gods 10 Mile (8 Jun) - First leg of the TCR
- Summer Roundup Trail 12K (6 July) OR Barr Trail Mountain Race (13 July) - Will asses this as it gets closer.
After the early July races, I'll spend the rest of the weekends on the mountain, hopefully above tree line.
- 5K on St. Patrick's Day - A fun and fast 5K in downtown COS. This will mark the one year anniversary of entering a race. Looking forward to setting a new 5K PR.
- UCCS Bash the Bluffs (27 April)- Finally found some info on They are offering a 5K, 10K and children's fun run this year. New loop course this year. Leaning towards the 10k.
- Take 5 in the Garden (3 May) - 5 miler in Garden of the Gods
-Garden of the Gods 10 Mile (8 Jun) - First leg of the TCR
- Summer Roundup Trail 12K (6 July) OR Barr Trail Mountain Race (13 July) - Will asses this as it gets closer.
After the early July races, I'll spend the rest of the weekends on the mountain, hopefully above tree line.
pikes peak ascent registration
Kudos to the RDs for a job well done. Unfortunately, they are still letting handle the business end of things, but it was MUCH smoother than last year. I logged on at about 10 til noon yesterday and after clicking the "register" button a couple of times only to get the "too busy" errors, I found a registration page. I quickly entered my info and pasted in my qualifying link and I was in. A couple minutes went by before I had Josh's entry confirmed as well.
The qualification criteria certainly seemed to have slowed the rush down to a much more sane pace and it took a whole 67 minutes for Wave 2 to fill. Compare that with 9 last year.
We spent a bunch of weekend nights on the incline last year and I don't think that will cut it this year. If we get the regular incline crew going over to Ruxton again once things warm up, I'm going to spend time running up Barr instead of trudging up the stairs on the Incline. Hopefully, I can make the Sunday workouts with the Incline Club as well.
Now that I'm in, it's time to talk about goals. I'd like to finish in under 5:00:00. I had trained for this last year and was hitting a pace close to that on the bottom half of the course and also above tree line during training runs. On race day, I abandoned all pace strategy and settled in with the back of the pack and never pressed the pace after the W's. Lesson learned. I'll continue to take my time on the W's again this year, but will certainly look to make up time after No-Name and up to Barr Camp. I've got a long time to go before I need to get serious about hitting splits on the pace chart. It's all about putting in the time and miles on the hills for right now.
Got the 5K on St. Pat's Day this Saturday and I'm going to get out on a trail on Sunday also.
On the weight front, I hit 204 this morning. I finally decided to commit to some dietary changes to go along with the increased training. I was still eating the same crap and wasn't seeing much in the way of weight coming off. The changes have already paid off. I was bouncing between 207 and 210 depending on the day and I feel like I've already busted through a plateau. I actually weigh less than I did at race time last year, so I'm pretty pleased with that.
The qualification criteria certainly seemed to have slowed the rush down to a much more sane pace and it took a whole 67 minutes for Wave 2 to fill. Compare that with 9 last year.
We spent a bunch of weekend nights on the incline last year and I don't think that will cut it this year. If we get the regular incline crew going over to Ruxton again once things warm up, I'm going to spend time running up Barr instead of trudging up the stairs on the Incline. Hopefully, I can make the Sunday workouts with the Incline Club as well.
Now that I'm in, it's time to talk about goals. I'd like to finish in under 5:00:00. I had trained for this last year and was hitting a pace close to that on the bottom half of the course and also above tree line during training runs. On race day, I abandoned all pace strategy and settled in with the back of the pack and never pressed the pace after the W's. Lesson learned. I'll continue to take my time on the W's again this year, but will certainly look to make up time after No-Name and up to Barr Camp. I've got a long time to go before I need to get serious about hitting splits on the pace chart. It's all about putting in the time and miles on the hills for right now.
Got the 5K on St. Pat's Day this Saturday and I'm going to get out on a trail on Sunday also.
On the weight front, I hit 204 this morning. I finally decided to commit to some dietary changes to go along with the increased training. I was still eating the same crap and wasn't seeing much in the way of weight coming off. The changes have already paid off. I was bouncing between 207 and 210 depending on the day and I feel like I've already busted through a plateau. I actually weigh less than I did at race time last year, so I'm pretty pleased with that.
palmer point loop
It finally warmed up yesterday afternoon and Josh and I headed out to Palmer Park with intentions of tackling the Palmer Point loop. Once we found the trailhead, about a quarter mile away from the parking lot behind the stables, we headed out. The trail is much smoother than the Templeton trail which follows the ridge above the Palmer trail. I ran for maybe 5 or 6 minutes and was drenched in sweat and had to stop to remove my windbreaker. We continued on around to Lazy Land and I was beat. A full day of snowboarding on Saturday had pretty much trashed my calves and they didn't want to move me up the hills on Sunday.
We ended up at the parking lot at the top of the Mesa and found the Templeton trail and headed back to the trailhead. We hit the cutoff for Edna Mae Bennett and Josh noted it was only 2.5 miles at that point. Instead of continuing down, we stayed on Templeton and ran the rest of the way around the canyon and back around to the southwest edge of the ridge before doubling back on the spur down to the trailhead. We ended up with 4.85 miles on the trail in about 1:18. I did most of the stopping and slowing down. It was a nice mix of terrain and a beautiful day to get out in the park.
We ended up at the parking lot at the top of the Mesa and found the Templeton trail and headed back to the trailhead. We hit the cutoff for Edna Mae Bennett and Josh noted it was only 2.5 miles at that point. Instead of continuing down, we stayed on Templeton and ran the rest of the way around the canyon and back around to the southwest edge of the ridge before doubling back on the spur down to the trailhead. We ended up with 4.85 miles on the trail in about 1:18. I did most of the stopping and slowing down. It was a nice mix of terrain and a beautiful day to get out in the park.
training log 3/9
After all that the week of 3/2, I managed no miles running this past week. Had midterms, weather, and life get in the way. I did manage to get a full day of snowboarding in on Saturday and my legs feel it. My shins do feel a little better, though.
training log 3/2
Felt really good about mileage last week. It's probably been since I was running to Barr Camp and back on the weekends last summer that I have done this many miles in a week. Good thing is I'm starting a lot earlier this year.
Mon - 3.5mi
Tues - 3.75mi
Thurs - strength training
Fri - 5 mi on the bike and strength training
Sat - 3.75 mi
11 mi, 3:45. All the running this week was on a technical trail that requires some power hiking over pretty nasty rock fields.
Is it summer yet?!
Mon - 3.5mi
Tues - 3.75mi
Thurs - strength training
Fri - 5 mi on the bike and strength training
Sat - 3.75 mi
11 mi, 3:45. All the running this week was on a technical trail that requires some power hiking over pretty nasty rock fields.
Is it summer yet?!
days like today
... are what make living here absolutely amazing. We headed out to run Templeton yet again today and got to the trailhead a few minutes after 9am. It was easily already 50 something degrees and no wind. The trails were packed with people and dogs, but it was a perfect day for a run. Josh had his Forerunner 201 on so I got an accurate measure of the trail distance. It's only 3.75mi not the 4.1 according to PPRR.
Shin splints are still bothering me a bit. I'm sure I upped the mileage way too much this week but it's not too bad. I've been icing them and eating ibuprofen. It never bothers me when I run but I can usually feel it for a couple days afterward. I'm planning on getting most of my work on the bike next week and let the shins rest a bit.
Speaking of the bike, I decided to ride the 2.5mi one-way to the gym last night to get in a workout. You never notice the hills until you're running or cycling. Of course, its mostly downhill on the way to the gym and uphill on the way back. Nothing too terrible and makes for a nice workout.
Shin splints are still bothering me a bit. I'm sure I upped the mileage way too much this week but it's not too bad. I've been icing them and eating ibuprofen. It never bothers me when I run but I can usually feel it for a couple days afterward. I'm planning on getting most of my work on the bike next week and let the shins rest a bit.
Speaking of the bike, I decided to ride the 2.5mi one-way to the gym last night to get in a workout. You never notice the hills until you're running or cycling. Of course, its mostly downhill on the way to the gym and uphill on the way back. Nothing too terrible and makes for a nice workout.
back on templeton
I decided to head back out to Palmer Park again last night and see if I could make the entire loop around the north end of the park on the Templeton Trail. Started at the same trailhead and went left at the merge for Templeton to head north along the ridge. Once around the ridge on the Union Blvd side of the parkit got real cold and the morning snow hadn't melted off. Glad I brought my gloves. Made it around to the end of the mesa and lost my way. Finally took a random spur and ended up back on Templeton on the other side of the parking lot and made the rest of the loop around to North Canyon.
Trail maps on PPRR say it's 4.3 mi. I'll call it 4 since I cut out a bit coming in on one side and exiting the other side of the canyon.
Going to do the entire loop on Saturday morning again and maybe some additional. Feel free to ask me how to donate to my Garmin Forerunner 405 fund so I can figure out just how far I am running. :)
Trail maps on PPRR say it's 4.3 mi. I'll call it 4 since I cut out a bit coming in on one side and exiting the other side of the canyon.
Going to do the entire loop on Saturday morning again and maybe some additional. Feel free to ask me how to donate to my Garmin Forerunner 405 fund so I can figure out just how far I am running. :)
templeton trail
Pulled up the Palmer Park trail maps online today to search out a new run. Settled on the Templeton trail and headed over about 4pm with the dog in tow. I left the North Canyon trailhead and started out on Edna Mae Bennett trail and quickly merged onto Templeton. Some technical and rocky switchbacks lead up to the top of the canyon. As I neared the top of the ridge, there was a spur that I jumped on and it lead me to the mesa. I ran the length of the mesa and back to the spur and continued on the Templeton trail. I made my way around the top edge of the canyon until I found the EMB trail again and took that back to the trailhead.
I was hoping to make it all the way around on Templeton, but the impromptu trip out on the mesa made that unneccessary. I'm going to hit that up later this week or this weekend for sure.
I was all kinds of antsy to get out and run at work today so hopefully the jet lag is finally wearing off. I talked to a co-worker on the trip with me and he said I wasn't alone feeling a little ragged. It was both of our first trips across the pond and neither of us knew what was in store when we got back home.
4 miles; 1 hour.
I was hoping to make it all the way around on Templeton, but the impromptu trip out on the mesa made that unneccessary. I'm going to hit that up later this week or this weekend for sure.
I was all kinds of antsy to get out and run at work today so hopefully the jet lag is finally wearing off. I talked to a co-worker on the trip with me and he said I wasn't alone feeling a little ragged. It was both of our first trips across the pond and neither of us knew what was in store when we got back home.
4 miles; 1 hour.
training log 2/23
Just the Winter Series 10k in 1:18 to report for this week.
Spent most of last week in England. Glad to be back home where I can focus on running again.
Total: 6.2 mi; 1:18
Spent most of last week in England. Glad to be back home where I can focus on running again.
Total: 6.2 mi; 1:18
winter series iv
I walked a couple more hills and ran the flats and downhills before getting out into the northern end of the forest where we lost tree cover. It was extremely windy up there and I didn't feel like I was moving at all. I just kept moving and thankfully the last quarter mile or so was downhill. I cruised in with a dismal 1:18:07.
Cliff notes: jetlag sucks and it makes me run slower than my normal slow self.
training log 2/16
Palmer Park run - 4 mi; 1 hour
Neighborhood loop - 2.5 mi; 35 min
Total 6.5 mi; 1:35
Neighborhood loop - 2.5 mi; 35 min
Total 6.5 mi; 1:35
late night run
Got out of class a little early this evening after taking a test. I had a few minutes to get to the gym but I decided to take the dog out for a run instead. Extremely comfortable outside for a run tonight. Took a lap around the neighborhood. I'll call it 2.5 miles and I was out for just under 30 minutes. Apparently it didn't phase the dog because he is still bugging the shit out of me.
This was a harsh reminder how much I hate running on pavement. My shins were a little sore when I got home. I hope I can get one more in before I head to London on Saturday.
This was a harsh reminder how much I hate running on pavement. My shins were a little sore when I got home. I hope I can get one more in before I head to London on Saturday.
training log 2/9
Gonna make an effort to track weekly training
Mon - lifting/cross training 30 min
Tues - 3.5 miles on the treadmill. 10 min at 8.5% incline. 45min total
Thur - 3.25 miles on the threadmill, 40 min total
Saturday - 5 mi race, 54:28
Totals 11.75 miles - 2:20
Mon - lifting/cross training 30 min
Tues - 3.5 miles on the treadmill. 10 min at 8.5% incline. 45min total
Thur - 3.25 miles on the threadmill, 40 min total
Saturday - 5 mi race, 54:28
Totals 11.75 miles - 2:20
run in the park
I had talked to CBB on Thursday about running with the Incline Club on Sunday for their long run. They were heading up Barr Trail to Barr Camp and back. I'm nowhere near ready for that, but I was planning to at least get to No Name and turn around. As luck would have it, we partied a little too hard last night and I was in no shape to get out of bed at 6:30 this morning to make it to Manitou by 8am.
I finally got moving around 10:30 this morning and decided that I felt good enough to take Boomer to Palmer Park and run there. The weather was awesome again today so I through on some shorts and a t-shirt and headed over. The trails were again pretty sloppy in spots but there wasn't much standing water on the trail. Not sure how many miles we covered but we were in the park for well over an hour. I walked the last 3/4 of a mile back to the parking lot as the lack of hydration from the previous night's debauchery was catching up with me. Still I was glad that I was able to get out and do something which is certainly not the norm after a solid night of drinking. I'd guess that I got in about 4 miles of running/hiking this morning.
Hope I can get on the treadmill a couple times this week and go lift at least once before leaving for England on Saturday.
I finally got moving around 10:30 this morning and decided that I felt good enough to take Boomer to Palmer Park and run there. The weather was awesome again today so I through on some shorts and a t-shirt and headed over. The trails were again pretty sloppy in spots but there wasn't much standing water on the trail. Not sure how many miles we covered but we were in the park for well over an hour. I walked the last 3/4 of a mile back to the parking lot as the lack of hydration from the previous night's debauchery was catching up with me. Still I was glad that I was able to get out and do something which is certainly not the norm after a solid night of drinking. I'd guess that I got in about 4 miles of running/hiking this morning.
Hope I can get on the treadmill a couple times this week and go lift at least once before leaving for England on Saturday.
winter series iii
Got up Saturday morning and headed up to the Monument area for the 3rd race of the Pikes Peak Road Runners Winter Series. The course went from Baptist Rd into Monument just past the Hwy 105 exit and back to Baptist Rd on the Santa Fe trail. The course was on a packed dirt trail and gained 200 or so feet in elevation on the way out. It was pretty flat and there was little in the way of snow or water on the trail so it made for a comfortable run.
I went snowboarding on Friday and was still a little sore in my left hip area and both of my calves were feeling tight. I wasn't sure how they would hold up to 5 miles of running. I got a number and ran up the trail about a quarter mile and back to warm up. I went out pretty slow and felt ok. I carried a water bottle so I wouldn't have to stop to take a drink at the turnaround and could take a sip as needed on the course. I had completely forgotten about any nagging pain in my calves or shins by the time I hit the turnaround and decided to pick it up for the way home. I was picking off runners at a pretty good clip on the way back. For some reason (mental mostly), that last mile seems to take forever and I never feel like I have gas in the tank when I pass that final marker. I felt like I slowed down a little during the last mile but found a kick for the finish as some of the runners I had passed earlier were making a push at the line.
I finished at 54:28. I was pretty pleased with that time. Still under 11 minute miles and I was able to run the entire distance. I fought back a side stitch a couple of times but it never got so bad that some controlled breathing for a few minutes couldn't put it in check. Next up is a 10K on Feb 23. I'll have to make some kind of effort to run during the week leading up to the race while I'm touring around London for work.
I went snowboarding on Friday and was still a little sore in my left hip area and both of my calves were feeling tight. I wasn't sure how they would hold up to 5 miles of running. I got a number and ran up the trail about a quarter mile and back to warm up. I went out pretty slow and felt ok. I carried a water bottle so I wouldn't have to stop to take a drink at the turnaround and could take a sip as needed on the course. I had completely forgotten about any nagging pain in my calves or shins by the time I hit the turnaround and decided to pick it up for the way home. I was picking off runners at a pretty good clip on the way back. For some reason (mental mostly), that last mile seems to take forever and I never feel like I have gas in the tank when I pass that final marker. I felt like I slowed down a little during the last mile but found a kick for the finish as some of the runners I had passed earlier were making a push at the line.
I finished at 54:28. I was pretty pleased with that time. Still under 11 minute miles and I was able to run the entire distance. I fought back a side stitch a couple of times but it never got so bad that some controlled breathing for a few minutes couldn't put it in check. Next up is a 10K on Feb 23. I'll have to make some kind of effort to run during the week leading up to the race while I'm touring around London for work.
more on the 'mill
Took a break from the normal crosstraining routine at 123Fit and visited the gym at SAFB after work. 5 min warmup, 1mi at 10% incline, and then I flattened it out to finish up 3.25 miles. Definitely need to skip the cross training a couple days a week and run on the treadmill until the sun is up after work hours.
Weight progress. I think I topped out at 217 in the fall before signing up for the Denver Winter Series. I weighed 208 this morning.
Weight progress. I think I topped out at 217 in the fall before signing up for the Denver Winter Series. I weighed 208 this morning.
treadmills suck
So Michelle and I went down to ABQ for the weekend to meet her parents and do some wedding related stuff. We got down to Santa Fe on Friday night a little after 8 and then headed to a restaurant for some new mexican food. The food was ok, the bud lights were delicious.
Got up at 6am and hit the treadmill in the hotel gym before going to meet our photographer for some "engagement photos". Better late than never I guess.
I ran a little over 2 miles before slowing the speed down and cranking the incline up. Put in another mile like that while my calves begged for mercy. I still hate running indoors. Michelle was able to run a mile without stopping for the first time in a long time too. I'm so proud of her. Hope she is able to keep it up!
On Sunday, we woke up and did the treadmill thing again, this time in Albuquerque. I ran a few intervals of running and walking with the incline cranked up. Michelle's folks called and we had to meet them for breakfast before they headed back home so the run was cut a little short but it felt good.
Daylight saving time can't get here soon enough. I'm so ready to get in some runs after work while there is still some light on the trails.
Got winter series iii this Saturday. I'm going to be dumb and snowboard on Friday anyway. Hope I'm not last in my age group again. :|
Got up at 6am and hit the treadmill in the hotel gym before going to meet our photographer for some "engagement photos". Better late than never I guess.
I ran a little over 2 miles before slowing the speed down and cranking the incline up. Put in another mile like that while my calves begged for mercy. I still hate running indoors. Michelle was able to run a mile without stopping for the first time in a long time too. I'm so proud of her. Hope she is able to keep it up!
On Sunday, we woke up and did the treadmill thing again, this time in Albuquerque. I ran a few intervals of running and walking with the incline cranked up. Michelle's folks called and we had to meet them for breakfast before they headed back home so the run was cut a little short but it felt good.
Daylight saving time can't get here soon enough. I'm so ready to get in some runs after work while there is still some light on the trails.
Got winter series iii this Saturday. I'm going to be dumb and snowboard on Friday anyway. Hope I'm not last in my age group again. :|
winter series ii
Another weekend, another race. Luckily, the weather was much better than the previous two winter races. At the start, the temp was probably upwards of 40 degrees. The course was down on the south end of town and snow usually doesn't last long down there. The second race in the series was a 4 miler.
I had planned on wearing shorts during the race and threw some wind pants over them on my way out the door. When we got to the start, the wind was whipping across the sports fields pretty good and it wasn't pleasant. I thought I might just leave the pants on. However, once I made my way to the line, the huddled mass of runners provided a nice wind block and I shed my pants. The course was fairly flat headed north on the Pikes Peak Greenway trail. There were a few sections with some icy patches but the majority of the course was a nicely groomed dirt or concrete trail. I felt pretty good as I made the turn and walked a few steps to get some water down. I was able to run the entire course, save for a few steps trying to drink water at the turn. At the 3 mile mark, I started to feel some tightness in my knee and generally worn down. However, I kept moving. As I came off the creek and back into the sports fields, I wasn't sure what my time was. The girl who had paced me during mile 3 had blown by me in mile 4 and was no longer in sight.
I made it to the line in 42:49. It took me a few minutes to realize that it was faster than I had ran a 5K two weeks before. It then dawned on me that had I just run a 5K I probably would have beat my best time by at least two minutes. I was pretty stoked with my performance and I am definitely looking forward to the 5 mile race two weeks from now.
pikes peak roadrunners winter series
After running a race up in the Denver Winter Series, we learned that the Pikes Peak Roadrunners would also be hosting a winter series of their own. It was a no-brainer to sign up for it. It was a) cheaper, b) closer to home, and c) 4 races instead of 3. The first race was a 5K in Fox Run Park in the trees just south of Monument. Monument gets more snow than the Springs and because it is up in the trees, it stays on the ground much longer. I grabbed my new Yaktrax and headed out the door a couple Saturdays ago.
Josh and I arrived at the park about an hour before race time but we still needed to sign up. They parked us on the edge of the forest and it was nice out in the sun. The starting line, however, was about a quarter mile away in the trees. We made our way up to the start and got signed up. I hung out in the small area where there were no trees to block the sun and tried to warm up. I think somebody said it was 18 degrees at the start.
There wasn't much room to manage the crowd that had showed up for the race and I think there were still a few people signing up when they started us. We ran the quarter mile back towards the parking lot before turning into the trees. Once in the trees, the snow was pretty deep and the hills were difficult to climb. It was also hard to pass since there was a narrow track of packed snow and attempts to pass would result in post-holing in the fresh snow to the side of the trail.
I finally made it around the course in 44:08. I was pretty disappointed in the time but with the conditions out on the course, I didn't take it too hard. Two weeks until the next race so I was looking forward to a little redemption.
There wasn't much room to manage the crowd that had showed up for the race and I think there were still a few people signing up when they started us. We ran the quarter mile back towards the parking lot before turning into the trees. Once in the trees, the snow was pretty deep and the hills were difficult to climb. It was also hard to pass since there was a narrow track of packed snow and attempts to pass would result in post-holing in the fresh snow to the side of the trail.
rudolph's revenge
Once the race began, it didn't take long for me to get a side stictch breathing in the crisp cold air. I was able to run through it but it wasn't fun. The first half of the race was on a road that had been plowed to leave a thin layer of icy snow. It wasn't too slick and made for a pretty easy run. At the turn around, where they forgot to put out water, we moved onto a bike trail. The bike trail wasn't exactly groomed and also featured a lot more hills than the road out did. Up the hills proved difficult trying to propel yourself forward at the same time sinking in a few inches of snow. The last stretch moved back on to the road and I crossed the finish line at 37:33. Nothing to write home about but it was the first race I had run since the Ascent.
back at it
Took some time away from the running since I started grad school last semester. It's a lame excuse, I know, but working full time, going to school, and trying to plan a wedding isn't easy. I did manage to get to the gym a few days a week towards the end of the semester. Josh and I decided we would get ready for the Winter Series of races up in Denver that I got an email about. We met in Palmer Park a couple times before the race to get ready. Although I had stayed fairly active in the gym, some muscles never get touched until you start pounding a trail. Gonna lay out a program to start getting ready for the Peak again soon and really cut some weight for my wedding, too.